Articles on: Reports

How to create a simple BI report?

How to Create a Simple BI Report

BI (Business Intelligence) reports are essential for gaining insights into your data, allowing you to track key metrics and make informed decisions. Building simple reports, like tracking deals by status, gives you a quick overview of performance and trends. Follow the steps below to create your own customized BI report.

First-Time Users: Creating a Dashboard

If you’re using the BI Reports feature for the first time and no dashboard has been created, you’ll see the interface below:

To create a new dashboard, first please follow these steps in this article: How to create a new dashboard and find where it is later on?

Already Have a Dashboard?

If a dashboard has already been created for you, you’re ready to generate reports based on your pipeline and room data.

Creating BI Reports

Start by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of the dashboard and select Edit dashboard from the dropdown.

Click Add in the top left and choose Visualization from the dropdown.

A pop-up window titled Choose an Explore will appear. This is where you'll select the data you want to base your report on.

To choose an explore, refer to the following article for more details: What kinds of Explores does DealRoom have?. Once you choose an explore, you will see the Edit Tile interface where you can start building out a report.

The Edit Tile interface has many sections that you can edit, refer to the following articles for more details about what these sections are and how to use them: Looker Explore Guide

Now you can start choosing the fields of data you'd like to include in your report. We have several guided articles on different reports you can create in our help center.

For example, to build a simple "Deals by Status" report, go to Field Picker section, choose "Status" and "Count" under "Deal" view, and click on "Run" button on the upper right corner. The data will be pulled and showed in the Data Pane. And you can choose any visualization that applies in the Visualization Pane. In below screenshot, Pie Chart is used.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create a simple BI report that provides valuable insights into your deals and key metrics. If you're looking for more specific reports, explore additional articles in our Help Center for guided instructions.

Updated on: 13/09/2024

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