Articles on: Reports

What kinds of Explores does DealRoom have?

DealRoom Explores

Currently, DealRoom has six Explores created for all users. Clicking on the info icon will reveal a simple description about the Explore.

Deal Requests Calendar: The Explore contains all the calendar dates that a deal is active. It's part of the Time Intelligence Functionality. For example, it can be used together with Room Requests Explore and Looker Merged Results to create Requests Burn-up/ Burn-down Charts.
Pipeline Deals: The Explore contains the detailed info of deals and phases, including deal title, phase name, start date, and all the other custom fields you’ve created for deals. From the Explore you can create the pipeline dashboard / reports and get an overview of the deals pipeline.
Pipeline Phases: Similar to the Pipeline Deals Explore. Pipeline Deals Explore allows you to see deals without any phases. Pipeline Phases Explore allows you to see phases without any deals in it.
Deal Phases Info: Besides deals and phases info, the Explore also contains info of the historical phases for each deal, including the actual start date. It can be used to create gantt charts and funnel charts that show the number of deals carried from phase 1 to phase 2, phase 3, and etc.
Room Requests: This Explore contains the info of requests / tasks inside the room of a deal, including the request title, added date, resolved date, due date, priority, status, request category and so on; as well as the assignee and reviewer info. It can be used to create work-stream progress reports, productivity dashboard, RAID log and so on.
Room Members: The Explore contains the group and member info of the room. Using the Explore you can create visualizations about the request activity for different groups and members.

Updated on: 31/03/2023

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