How do I set permissions?
How to Set Permissions In this article we will cover: Creating a group Setting File Permissions Setting Requests Permissions Setting Other Permissions Permissions are set per group and all members in the same group will have the same permissions. Members can only be in one group per room. If a member has different permissions than all other members in thPopularHow do I set pipeline permissions?
How to Set Pipeline Access and Permissions The pipeline in DealRoom is a feature that gives a high-level of deals and prospects in your pipeline. Admins are able to set the criteria of which deals are visible in a pipeline for permission set with pipeline access. To grant pipeline access or modify permissions, follow these steps: Go to the Settings tab in the left menu. Click on Pipeline Access at the top. You'll then be able to view the members who have access and the grouFew readersHow do I grant someone admin access?
There are three different ways to grant someone admin access: Room Admin Access Invite them if they haven't already been invited to the administrator group Change their position in another group to the administrator group Grant them pipeline access To invite someone to the administrator group, follow these steps: Go to the Permissions tab at the top. Click the blue Add member button. ( readersHow do I remove a user?
How to Remove A User in DealRoom To remove a user from a room, follow these steps: Navigate to the Permissions tab at the top. Locate the user you'd like to remove by searching their name. Once you've identified the user, hover over the right section of their name, and click on the remove user icon. ( readersHow do I change the room owner?
How to Change the Room Owner To change the room owner in DealRoom, an admin needs to request this change from the support team. This process can only be performed on the backend for security reasons, ensuring that all changes are secure and properly authorized. To request a change of room owner, you can contact us via the chat feature in the help center or email us at readersWhat is the difference between Pipeline and Room permissions?
Differences Between Pipeline and Room Permissions DealRoom offers a distinct advantage by providing enhanced permissioning across its two core components: the Pipeline and the Rooms. This structure allows you to maintain strict control over who can access different stages of your M&A lifecycle. Overview Pipeline: This is your central hub for tracking active deals, prospects, and their stages in the M&A process. The Pipeline hosts information about target companies, facilitates teFew readers