Articles on: Permissions

How do I set permissions and add users?

How do I set permissions and add users?

Note: Admins have the ability to set permissions for other users in the room. Admins have access to everything in the room.

This guide will walk you through the process of managing user permissions within your data room. Permissions control what actions users can take and what information they can access within the room. By carefully managing permissions, you can ensure data security, streamline workflows, and maintain control over who has access to sensitive information.

Key Concepts:

Groups: Users are organized into groups within the data room. Permissions are set at the group level, meaning all members of a group will have the same permissions.
Permissions: Permissions control what actions users can perform within the room, such as viewing files, editing documents, creating requests, accessing specific data, and more.
Flexibility: This data room offers a flexible permission system, allowing you to customize access levels based on the roles and responsibilities of different teams within your project.

This guide will cover the following topics:

Creating a group
Setting Request Permissions
Setting Findings Permissions
Setting Data Room Permissions
Setting Synergies Permissions
Setting AI Analysis Permissions
Setting Group Visibility Permissions
Setting Admin Access Permission
Adding users to a group

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively manage user permissions and ensure a secure and efficient workflow within your data room.

Pro tip: We highly recommend setting up a Group's permissions before inviting members in.

Creating a New Group

Create new groups within a room. Groups are used to organize users and control their access permissions to different features and data within the project.

Navigate to the Permissions tab.
Click on the plus [ +] icon or Add new group button.
A text field will appear for you to enter the name of the new group

Type the desired name for the new group.
Click the Create button.

6. Once created, you can now manage the permissions and users for the new group. Use the
Requests, Findings, Data Room, Synergies, AI Analysis, Group Visibility, and Admin access tabs to set what this group is able to see and access inside the room.
The group will also show up on the left sidebar under Permissions groups, for easy access.

Note: Only users with the Administrator permissions can create new groups.

Pro tip: Choose meaningful names for your groups to help with organization and clarity.

Setting Request Permissions

Define the level of access that users within a group have to requests. This includes permissions like managing request details, creating requests, deleting requests, accessing start and due dates, and accessing custom fields.

Setting Worklists Access for a Group

Below outlines the steps for setting Worklist access permissions

Navigate to the Requests tab
Locate the Set worklists access for this group section.
Click the boxes next to the worklists you want to grant access to for the selected group.
If a new worklist needs to be created, click the New worklist + button. Enter a name for the new worklist in the text field. Click the Create button to add the new worklist.

5. Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected worklist access permissions to the chosen group.

Setting Request Management Permissions

This document outlines the steps for request permissions

Navigate to the Requests tab
Scroll down to the Request Management section
Grant or Revoke Permissions:
Check the boxes next to the permissions you want to grant to the selected group. Options include: Manage request details, post private comments and assign or be assigned as a reviewer, assignee or follower; Create worklists and requests; Delete worklists and requests; Access start and due dates; and, Access custom fields.
Uncheck the boxes to revoke specific permissions.
Select the desired level of access for
Access start and due dates & Access custom fields permissions:
View Only
View and Edit
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected Request Management permissions to the chosen group.

Setting New Worklist Access Permissions

This document outlines the steps for setting new worklist access permissions

Navigate to the Requests tab
Scroll down to the New worklist access section
Select one of the following options:
Inherit access from the parent worklist-this means if a new worklist is added to an existing worklist, the new worklist will inherrit the parent worklist permissions.
"No access" if the group has different permissions in the nested worklists -this means if this group does not have access to the full worklist, an new worklists added to this list will not be accessible by this group or,
Deny access completely.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected New Worklist Access permissions to the chosen group.

Setting Public Comment Approval

This document outlines the steps for setting public comment approval

Navigate to the Requests tab
Scroll down to the Approve public comments section
Grant or Revoke Permissions:
Check the box titled Admins must review and approve group comments before they're public to enable approval for public comments made by users in this group.
Uncheck the box to disable approval and allow public comments to be posted automatically.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected public comment approval setting to the chosen group.

Setting Findings Permissions

Control the level of access that users within a group have to Findings within the project. This includes permissions like creating new findings, viewing the findings tab, and accessing findings relevant to the group's requests or worklists.

Navigate to the Findings tab
Locate the Findings Management section
Grant or Revoke Permissions:
Check the box that Allow members to: Create new findings; View findings tab; and, Access findings relevant to group's requests/worklists.
Uncheck the box to revoke these permissions.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected Findings Management permissions to the chosen group.

Setting Data Room Permissions

Define the access level users within a group have to different folders within the Data Room. This can include permissions like viewing files, downloading files (with or without watermarks), editing files, and more.

Setting folder and file access for a group

Control the level of access users within a specific group have to different folders and files within the Data Room.

Navigate to the Data Room tab
Locate the Set folders access for this group section
For each folder or file within the Data Room, select the appropriate access level for the group from the dropdown menu:
Download watermarked PDF;
Download original file;
Edit (Full access to upload/download files)
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected Data Room permissions to the chosen group.

Pro tip: If you select the corresponding icon at the very top it will apply that permission to the entire column.

The orange minus icon means there is a conflict with the permissions settings inside this folder. Certain files or sub-folders are inconsistent with the permission settings of the top folder

Setting Upload Date Settings

Control how upload dates are displayed within the Data Room.

Navigate to the Data Room tab
Scroll down to the Hide original upload dates section
Enable or Disable Upload Date Replacement:
Check the box titled Replace upload dates with the date(s) when access was first given to enable this setting.
Uncheck the box to display the original upload dates.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected upload date settings to the chosen group.

Setting New Folder Access Permissions

Control how users within a group get permissions for new folders that are created within the Data Room.

Navigate to the Data Room tab
Scroll down to the New Folder Access section
Select one of the following options:
Inherit access from the parent folder;
"No access" if the group has different permissions in the nested documents or files of foldesr; or,
Deny access completely
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected New Folder Access permissions to the chosen group.

Setting Synergies Permissions

Control the level of access that users within a group have to synergies, value drivers, and their corresponding non-tracking fields. This might include permissions to view and edit information related to synergies.

Setting Synergies Permissions

Control the users' ability to view and edit information related to synergies and their associated value drivers.

Navigate to the Synergies tab
Locate the Synergies section
Grant or Revoke Access:
Check the box titled "Give access to synergies, value drivers, and their corresponding non-tracking fields" to grant access to this section for the selected group.
Uncheck the box to revoke access.
Select the Desired Permission Level:
View Only - Select this option if you want the group members to only be able to view synergy-related information but not make any edits; or,
View and Edit - Select this option if you want the group members to both view and edit information related to synergies, value drivers, and their corresponding non-tracking fields.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected Synergies permissions to the chosen group.

Setting Synergies Tracking Fields Permissions

Allow or restrict users within the group to view and edit value driver tracking fields that include financial data.

Note: This option becomes available only after checking the "Give access to synergies, value drivers, and their corresponding non-tracking fields" checkbox in the Synergies section.

Navigate to the Synergies tab
Scroll down to the Synergies section
Check the box titled Give access to synergies, value drivers, and their corresponding non-tracking fields.
Scroll down to the Synergy tracking fields section.
Grant or Revoke Access:
Check the box titled Give access to value driver tracking fields that include financial data to grant access to this section for the selected group.
Uncheck the box to revoke access.
Select the Desired Permission Level:
View Only - Select this option if you want the group members to only be able to view synergy tracking fields but not make any edits; or,
View and Edit - Select this option if you want the group members to both view and edit information related to value driver tracking fields that include financial data; or
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected Synergies Tracking Fields permissions to the chosen group.

Setting Al Analysis Permissions

Determine whether users within a group have access to DealRoom's AI features within the Data Room. This includes the ability to analyze documents, generate summaries, and view AI-generated summaries created by other users.

Navigate to the AI Analysis tab
Grant or Revoke Al Analysis Access:
Check the box titled Allow users to analyze documents throughout the Data Room, while also viewing other users' prompts and Al-generated summaries to enable Al Analysis access for the selected group.
Uncheck the box to disable Al Analysis access for the selected group.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected Al Analysis permissions to the chosen group.

Note: The availability of the "Al Analysis" section and its specific permissions may vary depending on the room configuration and the availability of DealRoom's AI features.

Setting Group Visibility Permissions

Control how users within a specific group can see and interact with each other. This includes options like hiding users from each other, allowing users to view each other, and allowing users to invite new members to their group.

Setting Group users visibility

Control how users within a specific group can see and interact with each other.

Navigate to the Group visibility tab
Locate the Group users visibility section under the Group visibility tab.
Select the desired visibility level for users within the group:
Hide users from each other;
Allow users to view each other; or
Allow users to view each other and invite new users to their group
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected visibility settings to the chosen group.

Setting “See Other Groups” permission

Control which other groups' users are visible to the members of a specific group. This setting can help manage interactions and information sharing between different teams within the project.

Navigate to the Group visibility tab
Scroll down to the See Other Groups section
Check the boxes next to the groups that you want the current group's users to be able to see.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected "See Other Groups" settings to the chosen group.

Pro tip: Carefully consider the desired level of interaction and visibility between groups when configuring these settings.

Setting Admin Access Permissions

Grant or revoke administrative privileges to a group. Admin users have the highest level of authority within a room, with access to manage the room, handle requests, manage the data room, invite external users, and control other permissions.

Navigate to the Admin access tab
Grant or Revoke Admin Access:
Check the box titled Grant users of this group access to manage the room, including handling requests, managing the data room, inviting external users, and controlling other permissions to enable admin access for the selected group.
Uncheck the box to disable admin access for the selected group.
Click the Save changes button at the top right corner of the page. This will apply the selected admin access permissions to the chosen group.

Note: Admin access should be granted with caution and only to individuals who require the highest level of authority within the room.

Adding users to a group

Once you have all the permissions set, add new users to a specific group within a room. This involves inviting users via email and assigning them to the group.

Navigate to the Users tab
To manage existing users:
Search for Users: Use the search bar to find specific users within the group.
View User Details: Click on a user's name to view their details, including their name, email address, phone number, and company.
To invite new users: Click on the Invite User button. A drawer will appear to fill in user information such as:
Emails: Enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite. You can also add users from other rooms using the "Add from other room" option.
Permission group: Select the permission group to which you want to assign the new users.
Message: (Optional) Enter an optional message that will be sent to the invitees.
Click on the Invite user button to send the invitations.

Any changes made to the group's users will be automatically saved.

Note: Only users with the appropriate permissions can add or remove users from a group.

Pro tip: You can remove users from a group by simply clicking on the trash can icon next to their name.

Easy Group Permission Management: Matrix View and Copy/Delete

Easily see and change permissions across groups in a matrix view by clicking on All Groups on the left hand side and then choosing Requests or Data Room.

Copy or Delete a group by hovering over the group and selecting the three dots that appear. Copying will only copy the permissions from the group not the users. This is an easy way to set similar permissions for another group without having to click into each tab again

Relevant Articles:

The person I invited did not receive their invitation. What do I do?
I can't view a file, folder, or request
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How do I create new groups?

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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