How to create a Workstream Status Report?
How to Create a Workstream Status Report
A workstream status report is an effective tool for tracking the progress of different tasks or categories across various phases of a project. In M&A processes or complex deal management, this report helps provide a clear overview of how different requests are moving through the system. It enables you to quickly identify bottlenecks, prioritize pending tasks, and ensure that all workstreams are progressing as expected.
Visualization Example:

From the Explore menu, choose Room Requests.
In the Field Picker section, select the following fields:
Under the Request Category option, select List Name to categorize the requests.
Under the Request option, select Num of Requests to count the total requests.
Under the Request Status option, select Name to display the current status of each request.
Add the following fields as filters by clicking on the filter icon next to each field:
-- Under the Deal option, select Deal Title (choose any deal that you want to analyze)
-- Under the Request Status option, select Name (set the filter to "Status Name is not null")
Pivot Status Name by clicking on the pivot button as shown in the screen shot below. This will pivot Status name into columns and form a tabular format.

Click the Run button at the top-right to generate the report.
To organize the data, click on the column header of List Name sort the table in ascending order.

In the Visualization pane, choose Donut Multiples as the chart type. Click Edit > Series > Toggle on Value Labels for clarity, and adjust the number of charts per row to match your preference.

By following these steps, you'll create a workstream status report that provides a visual breakdown of request progress by category, helping you easily track which areas are moving forward and which may need more attention. This report is especially useful for managing large, complex deals with multiple requests in different stages of completion.
Updated on: 03/10/2024
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