Maximizing DealRoom for Buy-Side Excellence
Maximizing DealRoom for Buy-Side Excellence
Welcome to the world of strategic business acquisitions! If your company is gearing up to become the buyer in an M&A deal, you're about to embark on a journey that can significantly impact your growth and market presence. To help you navigate the complexities of the buy-side of business acquisitions, here's a comprehensive guide on leveraging DealRoom for success.
A Buy-Side Use Case
Just as we've helped sell-side customers optimize their M&A processes, DealRoom offers powerful tools and features tailored to buy-side transactions. Whether you're acquiring a single entity or a portfolio of companies, DealRoom's features can streamline your efforts.
Here's how you can effectively utilize DealRoom for your next acquisition:
Start Off Right With Our Due-Diligence Templates: To create your room, simply enter a project name and select a template to preload. This creates a room for your project, with all the diligence requests, tasks, and a corresponding folder structure automatically populated. Here are some of the examples we have available to our customers:
Buy-Side Due Diligence
Financial Due Diligence
Oil and Gas Due Diligence
Private Equity Due Diligence
Venture Capital Due Diligence
.... and many more!

Import Data Directly into DealRoom: With our requests and data room integration, you can seamlessly import your existing requests lists and folder structure into the room. This goes for as many deals as you'd like, there is no limit! You can almost import deal information for existing prospects and deals into the pipeline, keeping everything in one place.
Note: For more information on importing templates, please reference this article: How do I import and export deals in the pipeline?
Create Worklists by Functional Department: Under your due diligence or integration worklists, creating subworklists for each functional department helps organize your teams to effectively address the tasks related to them.

Control Privacy and Visibility with Granular Permissions: As you create groups for different stakeholders, set different levels of permissions for visibility in the data room, requests, and other permissions.
Set File Permissions: Choose between 4 levels of access for entire folders and even individual files: view watermarked, download watermarked, download original, and edit
Set Requests Permissions: Allow groups to only see certain request lists, and control whether they can create or delete requests
Other Permissions: Control whether groups are able to view and communicate with other groups
Tip: For more information on permissions, see this article: How do I set permissions?
Track Activity with the Audit Log: Our in-house reporting allows you to see activity on not only requests but the data room as well! See who is uploading, downloading, and viewing documents. Furthermore, you can see how much time users are spending on the platform, which groups have the most requests open and unresolved, etc. With this goldmine of data, you can boost productivity and progress on all of your deals!

Relevant Articles:
How do I import a request list?
How do I track activities in the Audit log?
How do I import and export deals in the pipeline?
Updated on: 12/02/2025
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