Articles on: Reports

Overview of Progress Dashboard

The dashboard provides the overview of the progress of tasks for a specific deal / room. You can choose the deal from the dashboard filter on top of the dashboard. It includes the following visualizations and we will keep updating the dashboard to add any visualizations that are helpful.

The first four tiles on top of the dashboard are all single value cards and they tell the name of the deal, its current phase, the M&A owner and the integration lead of the deal.
Resolved Requests: The single value card shows the number of tasks that have been resolved and the percentage it counts for out of all tasks.
Requests by Status: The pie chart shows the proportion of tasks with different statuses.
Project Timeline: The timeline shows all of the phases a deal has been through, and it illustrates how long it took for each phase. The actual start date of a phase is used as the end date of the previous phase in the calculation.
Work-stream Status Report: The multiple donut chart illustrates the proportion of tasks with different statuses for each work-stream / list, with each donut representing a work-stream / list.
Work-stream Progress: Similar to the Work-stream Status Report but it uses a table format instead. Besides that, it also adds a calculated field % Progress to show the proportion of resolved tasks.
Diligence Sub Work-stream Status Report: The multiple donut chart shows the proportion of tasks with different statuses for each sub work-stream / category for Diligence, with each donut representing a sub work-stream / category.
Integration Sub Work-stream Status Report: The multiple donut chart shows the proportion of tasks with different statuses for each sub work-stream / category for Integration, with each donut representing a sub work-stream / category.
Progress by Sub Work-stream: The table lists all work-streams, sub work-streams, the number of tasks with different statuses in each sub work-stream, and the percentage of all tasks that have been resolved.
Requests Due Soon: The table lists all unresolved tasks that are due within 7 days from now.
Overdue Requests by Work-stream: The bar chart shows the number of tasks that are overdue for each work-stream.
Unresolved Requests by Priority: The table lists the number of tasks of different priorities for all sub work-streams / categories.

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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