Overview of the Member Card
Overview of the Member Card
In DealRoom, each individual invited to the platform is assigned a member card, a repository of valuable information that promotes efficient collaboration and communication among users.
To find the member card, follow these steps:
Navigate to the People tab from the left menu.
Here, you'll discover a comprehensive list of users connected to your DealRoom rooms, along with deal card contacts.
Simply click on a member to open their card.
Tip: For your convenience, you can export this data by clicking the Export button located at the top right corner of the screen.

Features of the Member Card
In DealRoom, you can store vital details about users within their respective contact cards, facilitating efficient and streamlined communication.
Within the People tab, click on a user to open their dedicated contact card.
On the left side, the card displays user profile details such as their profile picture, role, and email. Below, you'll find additional information including company, phone number, and any custom fields you've added.
On the right side, there are two sections:
Rooms: A list of rooms in which the user holds membership.
Deals: A list of deal cards on which the user is listed as a contact.
Note: Users who are listed as contacts on deal cards may not necessarily be part of the associated room.
At the top of the card, you'll see three tabs:
Notes: Here, you can leave notes about this user.

Emails: Utilize our Outlook Plugin to attach important emails to this user's profile. Within in your inbox, use the DealRoom plugin to tag which emails will be associated with this user to have it show up here.

Requests: This section displays all requests associated with the user as an assignee, reviewer, or follower. You also can filter by room, role, status, etc.

Adding a Contact to a DealCard
From the pipeline, open the desired deal card.
In the top right corner, within the Contacts section, click the Add contact button.

If the contact is new to the system, enter their email and other necessary information.
If they're an existing user, select the relevant tab and search for their contact before selecting it from the list.
The user will now be added as a contact to the deal card.

Note: A member can be removed from a room or organization (revoking their access), however it is not possible to delete their information from the system entirely.
Should you require further assistance or have additional questions, our support team is here to help.
Relevant Articles:
How do I create new groups?
How do I deactivate members from the People tab?
Updated on: 25/04/2024
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