How do I create new groups?
How to Create New Groups
Go to the Permissions tab.
From the left menu, locate the plus (+) icon next to the word Groups, and click on it.

A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter the desired name for the new group.
Once you have entered the name, click the Add button.

By following these steps, you can easily create new groups to organize and manage permissions effectively.
How to Add Members to a Group
Go to the Permissions tab.
Click on the blue Add member button.

A pop-up window will appear. Enter the email address of the member and select the group you'd like to add the member to.
Optionally, you can write a message that you would like the invitee to receive along with the invitation.
Click Submit.

Tip: Once someone is added to a group, they will automatically receive a notification via email.
Note: Please be aware that permissions cannot be copied from one group to another already created group. However, you can create a new group with the same permissions by clicking the 3 dots next to the group and selecting Copy. This will save time by copying over all permissions currently set so an admin only needs to add members to this new group.
Copying a Group and it's Permissions:
Select the group.
Click on the 3 dots that appear to the right when you hover over the group.
Click Copy.

How to Create New Groups Tutorial
If you need any further assistance or have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team.
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Updated on: 22/11/2024
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