Articles on: Rooms

How do I send reminders to assignees and reviewers?

To ensure timely progress on requests, DealRoom offers a quick and simple way to send reminders to assignees and reviewers.

There are 2 ways to send reminders:
Send Reminders Within the Request
Send Bulk Reminders for Requests

Send Reminders Within the Request

Open the request you want to send a reminder for.
Locate the assignee's or reviewer's name on the right-hand side.
Click on the Remind button next to their name.
Once the reminder is sent, they will receive a notification in their inbox.

Send Bulk Reminders for Requests

In DealRoom, you have the option to send reminders in bulk, making it easier to prompt action from assignees and reviewers. Follow these steps:

Navigate to the Requests tab and check the boxes to the left of each request for which you want to send reminders.
From the top menu, select Remind.

Select which assignees or reviewers you'd like to remind.
Click the blue Send reminder button.

That's it! They'll receive a notification reminding them of the requests they need to address.

By sending reminders, you can effectively communicate and prompt action from assignees and reviewers, keeping your workflow on track.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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Updated on: 09/09/2024

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