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Overview of the Permissions Tab

Overview of the Permissions Tab

The "Permissions" tab in DealRoom empowers administrators with granular control over user access within the room. This guide outlines the key features and elements of the Permissions tab.

Note: Only Admins have access to the Permissions tab.

Table of Contents

All Groups tab
Administrator tab
Other Groups
Data Room
AI Analysis
Group Visibility
Admin Access

Group Management (Left Sidebar):

The left sidebar in the Permissions tab provides efficient group management tools. You can view and modify existing groups, create new groups, and quickly access detailed permission settings for each group. This centralized location streamlines the process of organizing and controlling user access within DealRoom.

All Groups: Provides an overview of all user groups, and allows for controlling user access to data room permissions, and requests in mass.

Administrator Group: Administrators of the room have the highest level of access and control.

Create New Group: Click the "+" button to create custom permission groups.

Group List: Displays individual permission groups with user counts.

Group Options (Ellipsis): Hover over a group and click the ellipsis (…) to Copy the group, Rename the group, or Delete the group.

All Groups tab:

This section provides centralized control over group permissions for requests and data room access. Administrators can manage group members, bulk-edit permissions for worklists and folders, and fine-tune access levels to ensure efficient collaboration and data security. This tab simplifies permission management across multiple groups, streamlining administrative tasks within DealRoom.

Use the "All Groups" tab to manage Data Room and Request permissions for multiple groups simultaneously.

Users Tab

User List: Displays a list of all users in the group, including their name, email, phone number, company, title, and group.
Search: Allows searching for specific users within the group.
Invite User: Enables inviting new users to join the group, whether by adding new email/s or adding users from another room.

Export Contacts: Provides options to export the user list as a CSV or XLSX file.

Bulk Members Move: Allows administrators to move multiple users to a different permission group in bulk.

Move and Delete buttons (both blue) appear only when one or more user checkboxes are selected in the user list. Move Functionality: Moves the selected users to a different permission group (as described in "Bulk Members Move"). Delete Functionality: Deletes the selected users from the group.

Requests Tab

Worklist Management:
Worklists: These are lists of tasks, requests, or items that need to be completed or reviewed.
Worklist Expansion/Collapse: The presence of a triangle icon (►) next to some worklists suggests that they can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide sub-items or more details.
New Worklist: The "New worklist +" button allows users to create new worklists.

Permission Groups:
Column Headers: The column headers represent different permission groups
Access Control: The grid formed by the worklists and permission groups allows administrators to control which permission groups have access to each worklist.

Access Granting/Revoking:
Checkboxes: Checkboxes within the grid cells indicate whether a specific permission group has access to a particular worklist.
Parent Item Checkbox: A checked box for a parent worklist item means that the permission group has access to all sub-items within that worklist.
"Minus" Sign: If a "minus" sign (-) is displayed instead of a checkbox for a parent worklist item, it indicates that the permission group has access to some, but not all, of the sub-items within that worklist. This provides a visual cue that there are more granular access controls in place for the sub-items.

Search Functionality:
Search Bar: Allows users to search for specific worklists, making it easier to find and manage permissions for a large number of worklists.

Data Room Tab

Folder Management:
Folder List: The interface displays a list of folders, each with an "Index" (a numerical identifier) and a "Title" (the folder name).
Search: The searchbar allows users to search for specific folders or files.

Permission Groups:
Column Headers: The column headers represent different permission groups
Access Control: The grid formed by the folders and permission groups allows administrators to control which permission groups have access to each folder.

Access Levels:
View: Allows users to view the files within the folder.
Download watermarked PDF: Allows users to download watermarked PDF versions of the files.
Download original file: Allows users to download the original, unwatermarked files.
Edit (Full access): Allows users to move, upload, overwrite, delete, edit, index, and rename files and folders.
Granting/Revoking Access: Clicking on an icon (to make it blue) cell grants that specific access level to the corresponding permission group for that folder. Clicking again (to make it gray) revokes that permission.

Conflict Indicator (Inherited Permissions vs. Explicit Permissions): Since the data room employs a hierarchical permission structure, where folders inherit permissions from parent folders. The conflict indicator means that the explicit permissions set for a subfolder are contradicting the inherited permissions from its parent folder.

Access Level Details (Show/Hide access levels):
"ShowHide access levels" Toggle: The toggle allows users to simplify the view by showing/hiding the detailed access level options (View, Download watermarked PDF, Download original file, Edit).
Access Level Descriptions: Below the access level options, there are more detailed descriptions of what each access level entails.

Group Details (Administrator):

This section allows managing the list of administrators (view, search, invite new) and outlines the extent of their privileges, including managing worklists, requests, folders, files, findings, synergies, and inviting external users. It emphasizes the comprehensive control and access granted to the Administrator group.

"Admins have full access to the entire room" Message: This message indicates that members of the "Administrator" group have unrestricted access to all areas and functionalities of the platform.

Users Tab

User List: The user list displays the members of the "Administrator" group, including their name, email, phone number, company, title, and group.
Search Functionality: The search bar enables searching for specific users within the group.
"Invite User" Button: The blue "Invite User" button allows adding new members to the "Administrator" group.

Admin Access Tab:

Provides a detailed list of the administrator's privileges:
Administrators can view and manage all worklists and requests within the room.
Administrators can view and manage all folders and files within the room.
Administrators can access and manage all findings within the room.
Administrators have access to all synergy-related data, including financial information.
Administrators can invite external users to any group within the room.

Group Details (All other groups):

This section provides comprehensive control over user permissions. Administrators can manage group members, define access to requests, findings, data room folders, synergies, and AI analysis, as well as control group visibility and grant admin privileges. This centralized control ensures data security and facilitates efficient collaboration within DealRoom.

Group Name: Displays the currently selected group at the top.
Tab Navigation: Use the tabs (Users, Requests, Findings, Data Room, Synergies, AI Analysis, Group visibility, and Admin access) for granular permission control.

Users Tab:

Search Users: Use the search bar to find specific users.
User List: Displays user details (Name, Email, Phone, Company, Title, Group).
Invite User: Invite new users to the group.

Export Data (Ellipsis): Export user list (CSV).

Requests Tab:

Search Worklists: Use the search bar to find specific worklists.
Worklist Table: Displays worklist names and group access checkboxes.
Create Worklist: Create new worklists.

Request Management: Control request details, comments, assignments, and date access.

New Worklist Access: Define default permissions for new worklists.

Approve Public Comments: Require admin approval for group comments.

Findings Tab

Findings management: Tick the "Allow members to:" checkbox to grant users the ability to can document new findings, access the "Findings" section, and view and interact with findings that are associated with their specific tasks or areas of responsibility.

Data Room Tab:

Show/Hide Access Levels: Toggle detailed access levels.
Access Levels: View, Download (Watermarked), Download (Original), and Edit.

Search Folders: Use the search bar to find specific folders.
Folder Table: Displays folder index, title, and group access icons.
Access Icons: Eye (View), Download watermarked, Download original, Edit.

Conflict Indicator: Tooltip explains permission conflicts.

Hide Upload Dates: Replace original upload dates with access dates.

New Folder Access: Define default permissions for new folders.

Synergies Tab:

Synergies Access: Control access to synergies, value drivers, and tracking fields.

AI Analysis Tab:

AI Analysis Access: Grant access to DealRoom AI for document analysis.

Group Visibility Tab:

Group Users Visibility: Control whether users in this group can see and interact with each other. Select whether to Hide users from each other, Allow users to view each other, or Allow users to view each other and invite new users to their group.
See Other Groups: Select groups visible by this group's users.

Administrator Permissions Tab:

Administrator Permissions: Grant full admin privileges.

Trash Section (Archived Groups):

The "Trash" section functions as an archive for groups. You can search for archived groups and restore them, along with their users and permissions, to the active list. This feature prevents accidental permanent deletion, providing a safety net for group management.

Search Archived Groups: Use the search bar to find specific groups.
Archived Group List: Displays group names and restore buttons.

Restore Group: Restore an archived group to the active list. This will add the users that were previously in that group and grant the same permissions.

Note: DealRoom currently archives groups/users instead of permanently deleting them.

Relevant Articles:

How do I set permissions and add users?
How do I create new groups?
How do I grant someone admin access?
Admin vs User View in DealRoom

Updated on: 07/03/2025

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