How do I use the Timeline?
How to Use the Timeline
The Timeline view in DealRoom is based off the model of a Gantt chart and provides a visual representation of your project timeline, helping you manage tasks and dependencies more effectively.
From the room, to access the timeline view:
From the room, navigate to the Requests tab at the top of the screen.
Next to the word "Overview" in the top left corner, select Timeline.
You will now see a timeline view of your requests, dependencies, dates and so on.

Interactive Capabilities
The timeline offers several interactive capabilities to help you manage your project tasks efficiently:
Edit Requests: Make changes to requests directly from the left panel. Assign assignees, add due dates, change statuses, and more.
Set Start and Due Dates: Draw bars on the timeline to define start dates and due dates for your requests.
Modify Start and Due Dates: Drag the sides of request bars to modify the start dates and due dates.

Add Dependencies: Hover over a request bar, click the circle on either side, and drag it to the circle of another request to establish a dependency.
Remove Dependencies: Double click on a dependency line and confirm the action to remove the dependency.

Customize request columns: Customize your view by selecting and deselecting which request information you'd like to show.

Auto-scheduling: Enable the "Auto-scheduling" feature by clicking the cog button and selecting it from the drop-down menu. With this enabled, dependent tasks will automatically adjust when the parent task is moved. This feature saves time and effort by updating task timelines with just one click.

Tip: You can also reorder tasks, use filters, and search, just like in the requests overview.
Critical Path: By clicking the cog button, you can enable the Critical Path feature. This will highlight tasks that are critical to the project timeline in red. For example, if a critical task's due date is changed then this will affect the entire projects completion date. If a task isn't highlighted in red, this means it's not critical and there is room for the date to be pushed back without affecting the overall project deadline.

The blue bar at the top of each worklist represents the first and last date of requests in that worklist. The status of requests are color coded (gray = open, yellow = in progress, green = resolved).
As tasks are resolved, a section of the blue work stream bar becomes darker, providing a visual representation of completed tasks. We will introduce progress percentages in upcoming releases.

Click the Today button to jump to today's date.

By leveraging the interactive features of the timeline, you can effectively manage your project timeline, dependencies, and task progress. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.
Relevant Articles:
How do I use dependencies? Are there notifications when a dependent task is complete?
How do I set due dates and assign users to requests?
What is the difference between assignee, reviewer, and follower?
Updated on: 12/02/2025
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