Articles on: Reports

Overview of Pipeline Dashboard

The dashboard gives an overview of the M&A deals pipeline. It includes the following visualizations and we will keep updating the dashboard to add any visualizations that are helpful.

Deals in Pipeline: The single value chart shows the number of deals in the pipeline and how it goes towards the target.
Deals by Country: The column chart compares the number of deals per different country.
Deals by Status: The pie chart shows the number of deals by status as the percentage of a whole.
Deals by Deal Type: The donut chart shows the number of deals per deal type as the percentage of a whole.
Deals by Phase: The table with the cell visualization gives the number of deals per phase based on the deals’ current phases.
Deals by M&A Owner: The bar chart shows the number of deals by M&A owner.
Ratio of Size and EBITDA: The scatter plot reveals the relationship between the deal size and the EBITDA.
Deals Funnel: The funnel chart reveals how deals move through the phases. It gives you a clear picture of how many deals are carried over to the phase of LOI, or even the Integration, so that you can have a basic understanding of the conversion rate to success.
Deals Duration from Start to Close: The bar chart shows for each each deal how many days there are from the start date of the deal to the signing/close date. It also gives a reference line of the average duration across all deals.
Deals Timeline: The timeline graph is a more visual way to show the deals’ durations. A longer bar means a longer duration.
Deals Ownership: The table lists the detailed info of a deal including the title, phase, deal type and its M&A owner.
Size of A Pipeline: The single value chart gives the total size of the M&A pipeline.
Deals by Industry: The column chart compares the number of deals across different industries.
Size by Deal Type: The bar chart shows the size of deals for different deal types.
Size by Priority: The bar chart shows the size of deals for different priorities.
Avg. Phase Duration: The column chart illustrates the average number of days it takes for different phases across all deals.
Phase Duration: The table chart lists all historical phases that a deal has been through, and shows the phase duration using cell visualization.
Deal Scoring Report: The report evaluates the deals based on a set of pre-defined deal criteria.

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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